My name is Edeline Mak, I am a designer currently based in Hong Kong. I was quite a lot of different things - I was an Engineering student, a Graphic designer, a Flight attendant, a Multimedia postgrad, a Lighting designer and have worked in the aviation industry.

My curiosity has definitely took me to a lot of adventures but to create is always my greatest passion.

Through my journey, I have learnt a few things that I hold on tightly as my values and hope to spread through my work.

The power of belief - the path I took seemed a bit here and there and it is because I am always motivated by my curiosity and grit. These are the greatest driving force that push me to learn as I query, to grow as I am challenged.

You can be anything - I believe we all have the potential to be who we want to be. Sometimes we might need time to figure things out and sometimes we need some helping hands - and I am here to help :)  to be a part of your adventure, to offer design solutions in visualising your thoughts and to channel your vision through my craft.
